Tim R.
I think the exchange visit was a great idea. We've had a lot of fun and it was very cool. Most of us like their partners and we are good friends now. Maybe we can even go to Denmark in our holidays. That would be super =)
Pauline L.
The exchange was very cool and funny. It was a little bit too short, so you couldn't do enough things with your exchange partner. Most of the students were funny and cool. The projects were a little boring, but for the exchange students it was surely interesting ;)
I'm looking forward to visit Denmark.
Bastian T.
The exchange was very great. It was funny and we learned English. The Danish pupils were nice and we had a lot of fun. The projects were good for the students, so they learned something about Germany. I'm looking forward to visit Denmark. I hope it will be funny.
Marcus K.
The exchange visit
The exchange was really fun. We could find new friends and meet people from other countries. Some have found really good friends and I think many of us will meet the Danish pupils another time after the exchange. A lot of us can't wait to come to Denmark in April. I'm very interested in coming to Denmark, because I have never been there before.
Markus "Bille" P.
I think that the exchange was very good. We had very much fun in this week. Alot of us like their exchange partners. We are all happy about going to Denmark and can't wait.
Doreen P.
I really liked the exchange. It was very funny, and I think we did very cool things together. I think we all got to be really good friends. I'm looking forward to April. I hope we'll have a great time in Denmark, too.
Marie R.
Our first part of the exchange visit is gone and it was beautiful. Everybody was so nice and we did a lot of things. I think everybody will be happy to see each other again in April. It was and it will be a nice week.
Our first part was in Kobrow in a little village. We ate pizza, that was funny. On the second day we went in another village: Groß Raden. I think that wasn't so interesting. But the third day in Schwerin was very much fun. In the evening was a little party. On the next morning the Danish pupils went home again. We'll miss them. WE LOVE THE DANISH PEOPLE!!! It was a short but a wonderful exchange visit.
The exchange was one of the best weeks in my life. I have become aquainted with new persons. We've done a lot of things with our partners and with the other Danish people. And on the last day I didn't want them to leave. I'm really looking forward to the trip to Denmark and I hope this won't be the last time I see the Danish pupils.
The exchange visit with Denmark was really cool. But I think it was very short. I hope that when we go to Denmark it will also be funny and cool - although this week will probably be short, too. But nevertheless I got many new friends.
Hans J. K.
The exchange was very great. Ther were some problems, but I think the time was ok. We had a lot of fun.
The week with all the Danish pupils was so cool and I think we got on well. When we come to Denmark, that'll be very funny and the best thing we'll see each other again.
Laura B.
The Danish-German exchange
The exchange was from the 20th September 2009 to the 25th September 2009. The Danish students arrived on the 20th at 5pm. When we saww the bus arriving - everybodies hearts were beating very fast and all the German students shouted. Then every day was a really fabulous day. We've made a trip every day, which was sometimes boring, but otherwise exciting! On the last day I had a wonderful evening, with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. The day they left was a really sad day for me, because now she's gone.Martin S.
The exchange with the Danish was very nice. I think most of them enjoyed the time in Germany. And I'm looking forward to go to Denmark in April. Because this is a wonderful country with wonderful inhabitants. I would like it if next schoolyear were another exchange with Denmark.
Tim P.
On Sunday I arrived and I was very excited because of the exchange. After some days I think it was really funny. My exchange partner could play computer games really well - so every evening we played.
Philipp U.
It was very funny. The Danish students were friendly and I found a new friend. Some of the Danish students speak German really well. We had a lot of fun.